Data access
13 mars 2017 ( maj : 24 mars 2021 ), par Nadège Meunier
We provide access to reduced public data in two different ways, depending on the data level : at the SPHERE processing center in Grenoble for the first levels (data levels 0-2), and and through the DIVA+ data base in Marseille for the most advanced data products (SPHERE and other instruments). The first access is data-oriented (ESO archive-like) while the second access is more target-oriented (Simbad-like). If you use these reduced data, it is mandatory to cite the references indicated below.
More information on available data
Data available at the Processing Center
- All level 0 data : Reduced SPHERE calibrations
- All level 1 data : SPHERE science master cubes, associated to complementary files such as adaptive optic information
- All level 2 data : SPHERE final images, associated to complementary files such as frame sorting information, SNR maps, …
To access data, you need to launch our SPHERE client, which will allow you to browse data available in the public workspace in different ways and then retrieve the requested data sets. The procedure can be found here, with more details and tips in the documentation (soon on-line) which also includes a full description of the data levels and output files, and of the reduction pipeline used to process these data.
Data available at DIVA+
- Subset of level 2 data : SPHERE final image using a median combination, 2D SNR map
- Level 3 for a subset of data : detections in final images for the SPHERE SHINE survey and for other instruments (NACO, KECK, HST) associated to information on the targets (stellar fundamental parameters, distance, …)
To access data, follow the link to the data base interface for SPHERE data and to DIVA for other instruments (the two database will soon be merged). More information on the description of the data and reduction pipeline used to process the SPHERE data can be found in the documentation (soon on-line)
Acknowledgements in your publications if you use SPHERE reduced data : This work has made use of the SPHERE Data Centre, jointly operated by OSUG/IPAG (Grenoble), PYTHEAS/LAM/CeSAM (Marseille), OCA/Lagrange (Nice) and Observatoire de Paris/LESIA (Paris) and supported by a grant from Labex OSUG@2020 (Investissements d’avenir – ANR10 LABX56).
Mandatory citations in your publications if you use SPHERE reduced data :
- Delorme et al. 2017, SPF2A Proceedings, p347 (for all SPHERE reduced data)
- Galicher et al. 2018, A&A, 615, A92 (for SPHERE/IRDIS and SPHERE/IFS reduced data)
- Beuzit et al. 2019, A&A 631, A155 (instrument paper)
- Maire A.-L. et al 2016, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9908, id. 990834 (for IRDIS and IFS reduced data, semester P99 and following)
You will find additionnal references on the ESO website. —
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