Data Formats

Data files are usually in FITS formats. On the DIVA+ archive, the data are also available either as individual FITS file or as HCI-FITS files regrouping all outputs, described in the DIVA+ help.

The CLASS for manipulating (reading, writing, etc.) HCI-FITS data is available on github. The HCI-FITS format is inspired by the OIFITS format used in interferometry, but is designed specifically for High Contrast Imaging data. We are actively promoting this new format and encourage its use. Please utilize this CLASS to package your HCI data in HCI-FITS format.

On the processing center client and on the ESO archive, they are available as FITS files only. The header includes all keywords from the original raw data (without modification, meaning that any error, for example in the “Object” keyword, are the original values) as well as added keywords added during the reduction (for example reduction parameters). In addition, a few outputs are available as jpeg images or json files.